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Ways To Give, Inc -DBA Wild Heart Sanctuary, a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization for over 15 years, relies solely on tax-exempt donations to continue its work.

Visit our website

Tax Exempt EIN: 26-3386244


Giving Options to Support the Wild Mustangs


  1. On-Line Donations -

  2. Check - Payable to Wild Heart Sanctuary 120 Westwood Road,
    Park City, UT 84098

  3. Memorial or Gift- In honor or memory of a loved one or donate as a gift in someone's name

  4. AMAZON wish list

  5. Wish List Donation– Contribute to a list of items needed to sustain Wild Heart Sanctuary's rescued wild horses - One-time or recurring

  6. Many employers offer DONOR ADVISED FUNDING & employee match programs for charitable giving. If you are an employer, you can set up a program to encourage your employees to donate. If you are an employee, you can check if your employer has such a program and encourage them to establish one. This is a great way to double your contributions to the charitable organizations of your choice.

    •, Inc.- DBA Wild Heart Sanctuary, a registered 501(c)3 non-profit

    • Your donations are tax-exempt. 

    • Let us know if you need any more information for your company.  

    • EIN. 26-3386244

    • Our Website

  7. Stock Donation - Many donors find they have stock that has increased significantly in value, but they are hesitant to redeem the stock because they will have to pay capital gains tax. Donating the stock to Wild Heart Sanctuary can avoid this tax, and you get a tax deduction. It's a win-win.

  8. A bequest from Your Will - A simple, flexible, and versatile way to give through your will or living trust, known as a charitable bequest. Wild Heart Sanctuary will significantly benefit from individuals with the foresight to include us in their estate plans.

  9. Leave a specific dollar amount or asset from your will or trust

  10. Designate a percentage of your estate to be given

  11. Give only the remainder, or residue, of your estate or that which remains after bequests
    to loved ones have been made.

  12. Qualified Charitable Distributions are a great way to avoid the tax bill on your distributions from your IRA or qualified retirement accountsRetirement Assets - Retirement assets are one of the most beneficial gifts you can give. These funds grow tax-free until the time of withdrawal. With the innovative use of these assets, you can contribute generously and provide for your loved ones. Many taxes on these plans can be avoided or reduced through a carefully planned charitable gift.

  13. Life Insurance - Life insurance is often overlooked as an asset you can use to make gifts.

  14. Charitable Remainder Trust - A Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) is a life-income arrangement that provides you and other beneficiaries with a stream of income for life or a period of years. After the trust terminates, the principal, or "remainder interest," goes to Wild Heart Sanctuary. Unlike other life-income arrangements, CRTs are separately invested and managed trusts. Note that Wild Heart Sanctuary does not manage these trusts for donors.

  15. Bank and Investment Accounts - "Payable on Death" (POD) or "Transfer on Death" (TOD) accounts to name a beneficiary to receive the proceeds upon your passing. You do not have to change your will or work with an attorney or accountant. There are no fees to arrange such a gift; complete the beneficiary form given to you by your financial institution. You retain complete control over the funds or assets in the account while living; these gifts are completely revocable.

  16. U.S. Savings Bonds - Although it is not possible to make a lifetime charitable gift of a savings bond without first paying the tax on the interest earned, it does make an excellent asset to bequeath. That's because savings bonds generate "income in respect of a decedent." If you die owning them, the accumulated interest is taxed before your heirs inherit them. However, that tax is not due if they are left to an organization like Wild Heart Sanctuary. Please ask your advisors how best to bequeath your savings bonds.

  17. Gifts of Real Estate - When including real estate in your will, it is essential to identify the address and have a legal description of the property, such as lot and block number. When we are notified that we are a beneficiary of real estate, we will likely sell the asset. The estate executor has the real estate appraised for tax purposes, and if there is a mortgage on the property, the mortgage is paid off, and Wild Heart Sanctuary receives the balance. As part of our gift acceptance policy, gifts of real estate are examined on a case-by-case basis.



Wild Heart Sanctuary is a US 501(c)3 Organization

located in Park City, Utah

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